
A Perspective of 2020, COV19 and Loving our Earth

A Psychic Perspective of 2020, COV19 and Loving our Earth

I have been intuitive most of my natural life, as a child I would witness things I did not know more about, as an adult I would be alarmed by some seeing’s and delighted by others. In my 20′ I was prompted to embark upon educating an awareness, and learning how to decipher a spiritually mindful pathway amidst all the diverse energetics. I needed spiritual training and like many it was a hobby level until one day I was called and decided to try energy medicine healing work.  I decided to employ spiritual counseling and did this for many years without a hiccup. I was versed in soul retrieval and soul growth for 30 years. My own life had hiccups and I began channeling information out of necessity I later learned was Ayurveda and Tree of Life Philosophies stemming from times on earth that were spiritually viable, sustainable. It was then I decided to go back to school to become certified in Ayurveda (wellness counseling). I offer many divisions in my work however am strongest in my intuitive reading skillset.

Here I thought to write a newsletter on my own perspective of evolution, 2020, COV19 and Loving our Planet.

What intuitively is going on? 

I thought many like myself were wondering the deeper mystery of it all:

To be fair, I know I am not the answer out there however many others are. I have however been called to write more by the Arch Angel Michael, and a few Ascended Masters I work with personally.

Earth is headed for a golden age:

What does this mean exactly?

If we look at history and the scientifically known golden ages we have had on our planet before we can see that there were spontaneous events occurring before each elevation or acclimation to a new mainstream on Gaia. Most of the time the trial before the elevated level of mass consciousness had a struggle.

Being an evolution buff for most of my intuitive life I had seen trends shifting and knew at the time of Sept 11th that most people on Earth consciously made a collective choice in voice, mind, behavior to choose a safer way to grow and called for global change.

Then there is the Mayan Calendar story of 2012– this calendar is designed to show renewal yet unaware to most. I became aware of this by my own growth and needed to altar my own state of consciousness stream, here having to renew and refortify my own healing. The new wave coming out of the Mayan Fibonacci sequence is more of a loving way to be rather than the assertive worker-warrior architype we culturally define on a yang derivative. This is a divine feminine wave or a shift in seeing and way that is culturally different than the Mayan storyline perceived, the age of modernism and what destroys the immune systems in cultures across the planet.

2020 is the next wave of 2012: 

While by nature I am more of a positive person, this letter is not about prediction,  simply causal, I do not offer a defined remedy for the virus or future only what I personally could explain about the shifts all people together collectively are surfacing, and are meant at this time to realize culturally.

My writing to you is about mainstream commitment to define global change and how long that takes and why anxiety can be present.

We are in phase 3 of the golden age recovery or definition which is why imbalance issues would arise: this is the transformational level of spiritual or soul growth most people need to heal out levels of information, cultural agreements, and karmic cycles to become more aligned with the newly defined templates Gaia is outlining. There are viruses that are latent in the dimensional fields we live in that would open up with the opening of new dimensional templates.

Our Earth Mother is calling forth a healing planet. Stay or go it is a causal disruption to the man made issues we have such as excessive retail, over production of environments, and unresolved issues of karmic threat.

We have been called by the Angelic Kingdom to learn more sustainable increments and construct them so that infrastructure is not from the industrial formation of competitive learning (yet for some this is healthy) but comes from sustainable quantification. Our governments think this way also but have yet to make the mechanic work. Typically this level of soul growth comes from mom and pop oriented groups but now need to become common place for pandemic reasons. 

When massive amounts of people need to end common- old karmic lessons, shift the way living conditions and environments sustain, and heal enough resources to entertain resolved evolution life cycles,  akashic math maps the mental-emotional sensory fields in order to raise the Earth, the global collective to create a new dimensional field. Here is 2020. What is unique in this momentum is there is a global agreement. All people are capable, can shift, endure and help actualize a shift for a more grounded sustainable plan, way of working and living, and find common ground collectively.

How the Virus pandemic learns from itself, the inner and outer microcosm:

When I teach the Soul Purpose Development course the first statement I open with is that there are only 2 playgrounds: Fear and Love. We as humanity are learning to balance the 2 worlds. Learning how to convert fear into love is spiritual awakening, meditative or energy medicine work.  What are 2-4 ways you can balance the 2 worlds 1) in the inner microcosm of the world within you  and 2) In the Macrocosm of your own Gaia? What is one or two ways you can take a fear that is within each look at it in your minds eye and either return it to love, or come up with an anecdote that in the second playground. As our global community is in a growth period (albeit uncomfortable) is there a way that you can talk to both the old self and new self to heal the soul path within you? Staying strong, yet flexible is what all of us require and each individually is being called to work on….in this we are all in sister hood or brother hood with a grey area to no longer draw upon.

Each of us has to learn a lesson, no longer is conquer and divide a way to make countries, society or competing corporate platforms grow. No longer is capitalisms or communism a highly functioning sustainable platform, sustainability is what Ayurveda specializes in, and has wholism and balancing tendancies for quantification in their wisdom for a longevity model, while Ayurveda is not the only way its wisdom is a milestone. 

Sustainability consciousness is a way of converting fear into love, what are other ways?  Working collectively is healing. What are ways you can learn to work, think, map or invent sustainably when the virus is over? What are ways you can help support community or environmental learning? What are ways to support strengthening critical environmental design that supports the immune systems of people, and sustains our organic lands?

I remember in my youth people would drive on highways and there were sightings of garbage everywhere, allot of people would throw things out the windows and think it OK. I remember a TV commercial of a Native American Man crying. I remember there became a movement for change and in 5 years the highways were clean- this is you- this is all of us together today- make it work and it will- be you and value becoming, living and commanding forth as sustainable life.

If this newsletter is helpful please share it with someone or ask them to join my emailing. I offer individual energy medicine sessions, with counseling, coaching and soul path alignment. I also teach long distance.

With both fear, love,

and new hope

Cynthia Warwick


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