Would you like to broaden your intuition and live an intuitive lifestyle? Would you like to take part in a metaphysical energy healing and class? The upcoming course is a spiritual awareness course for healing, renewal & soul pathway for intuitive living. Enroll in Spiritual tools for cultivating the Light Body & Avatar within on our website:
Spiritual tools for cultivating the Light Body & Avatar within: Enrollment is now for: Spiritual tools for cultivating the Light Body & Avatar within: Module 1: Beginning Spiritual tools and intuition skills for the first…
The Goddesses are returning to our Earths core to reset the way all things evolve in blockbuster proportions, this will change Earth in great ways, allow the miracle…..
2020 is the year most thought 2012 would be, however it is meant for the divine within to conquer fear, to understand your own, grow to be mindful, and explore greater sustainable pathways.…
In every spiritual awakening growth process, there will be days…..
where it rings true to say “Oh thank God” and then days where you may believe “Oh my God” and both are OK. Spiritual awakening is embarking upon a journey of being one…
Reclaiming your destiny from a long journey
All things are possible no matter how probable, what is destined may return with alignment, the cultivation and meaning of living in your alignment and facilitating an atonement or a required centering. I…
Remember this….
I had this Erie memory of walking through a 1950’s futuristic science fair exhibit, it happened when I opened my Amazon page this morning to find them spotlighting the Alexa brand products…self cooking…