Transformational Pathways
When you are embarking upon a journey…
A gifted trained holistic counselor, coach, intuitive is an invaluable support to your unique purpose, healing, creative journey, and mind-body-spirit alignment on a wellbeing path.
Your goals come into play.
It begins with you….with your goals, desire, environment, and issues to create milestones for, carving steps forward, building clarity, momentum, and right relationship. Steps are possible to create and achieve in a way that supports soul path construction and achieve empowerment-centered consciousness. With desire alignment to your own authentic nature and spirit can be supported, shortfalls can be overcome, and staying aligned is identified and mapped in your sessions.
Your journey is sacred….and is meant to have ease & sustainable growth with benefit to the whole person within
It is important to work with someone you are able to enrich who you are within to address your own soul’s growth and spiritual path with meaning and validation.
Each client has an organic, enriched, and unique sacred geometry, enriching milestone, special journey to embark upon, strive, reach and working with Cynthia is a personally rewarding sacred path offering. Addressing the whole self. start with goals, meet imbalance requirements, and the desire to be responsible for your own person and cultivate process.
Healing, learning, clarity, designing for the art of creative manifestation, and holistic spirited living
Cynthia, is a multi-talented practitioner with over 20 years of experience, Has 4 platform offerings for your journey.
From one session, to a working relationship you can work with a level of valued support, and can gain insight for your creative goals, healing plan, gain insight to work out kinks, mal-alignment, old stories, karmic endeavor, and build a lifestyle bridge of self-care to serve the whole person and creative view with new awareness. Cynthia can support originating steps, clear seeing, consciousness in cultivation, healing alignment, wellness, and healing.
Cynthia’s Platform Offerings:
Holistic Health & Wellness Counselor
Ayurveda Mind-Body-Spirit-Constitution Restorative Philosophies for Health & Well Being
Certified Counselor in Health and Wellness and in Ayurveda, the Vedic Holistic Science of Kaya Chikitsa, Cynthia takes a natural organic Mind, Body, Spirit, Constitution approach to working with your requirement, utilizing a holistic and tailored self-care step plan for your path.
Plans may include diet, nutrition, lifestyle, daily and seasonal self-care regiment outlines, health and wellness support, natural healing, detoxification, renewal, organic supportive goal plans, reasonable rate check-ins, and strategic milestone support for your benefit.
Intuitive Organic Life Coach
Soul Purpose, Goals, Transformational Journey with Wisdom Teaching Supportive Guidance
Cynthia’s Soul Path, Wellbeing, and Life Coach program requires a personal commitment for a defined time necessary for the bridging to your milestones, enrichment, lifestyle to your goal attainment plateau. Cynthia’s role is highly organic and goes the mile to see you, supportive to the requirements, supply’s emergent tools for your ability to remain centered, heal, strive, take valuable steps and stay on path-pace. With desire, your own authentic nature and spirit can be supported, shortfalls can be overcome, and staying aligned is identified and mapped in your sessions.
Intuitive Path –
Readings, Alternative Complimentary Holistic Spiritual Counselor
Cynthia has trained as an intutitive spiritual counselor, holistic spiritual teacher, and non denominational minister from 2002. She offers private intuitive sessions.
She is a kind- kindred, talented intuitive-counselor trained in many related guidance oriented modalities.
As a professional intuitive, spiritual counselor, health and wellness coach, intuitive living teacher she can be a valued resource for a one time private reading session or mulitiple offerings helping the pathway steps to balance, milestones and achievements to your own journey.
Complimentary Alternative Practitioner
Energy Medicine Support
Detoxification with Panchakarma and Holistic Path Plan
Cynthia is a Holistic complementary therapeutic healing and renewal practitioner serving mind-body-spirit, one’s essential natural energy. Helping to restore balance is a core philosophy. Spiritual Healing uplift ones constitution and spirit. It is believed…that when one heals their spirit, then their spirit is liberated to in turn heal their mind-body-and daily encounters. A practitioner works energetically to support ones natural liberating capability, ability, and flow in energetic chi- patterns. In energy healing Cynthia instinctively works towards detecting systematic blockages or stagnation’s in one’s energy field in and strives to inform ones spirit of regulation, movement, flow, alignment, harmony and balance.