Reading Testimonials
Experiencing a reading is a gift to yourself, it is an uplifting experience that connects you to your soul!
Have you had an experience with Cynthia that you would like to share? Please write and tell us about it, we would love to hear from you!
Reading & Coaching Clients:
I’ve seen Cynthia Warwick on a number of occasions. She was able to tell me details about what was upcoming in my life. She really clarified for me my purpose, and made me feel amazing. Like everything made sense and was ok. I highly recommend her. Very talented psychic.
Her caring nature and insightful unique approach offers useful advice to guide decisions and times of patience
Amazing! Ms Cynthia Warwick was “right on” with the dynamics of what has been transpiring within my family unit! She picked up on exactly what my sons have expressed to me regarding our possible relocation. She was great!
Cynthia’s reading gave me goose bumps! How beautiful and rings true. Confirms what i know I need to do. This woman is remarkable! A++++ Thanks!!!
A very good reading — quick, to the point, told me what was capable of happening and gave instructions. David, Washington, DC 12/08/2009
A very compassionate and wise reading. She gave me great spiritual insight into my issue. I highly recommend her. Thanks so much Cynthia.
Holy Cow! An amazing answer to a very difficult question. I am very impressed. THANK YOU!!!!!
Thank you
This all seems extremely accurate, much more than other readings I’ve had from others in the past. I’ll be reaching out again, thanks!
Cynthia gave me a great reading on one of my spirit guides. After reading her communication I was able to say hello to this spirit guide and receive even more communication. I feel like Cynthia helped me to recognize an old friend.
A reading with Cynthia is an enlightening experience. Richard, NY
“I have been working with Cynthia for over 4 years through her soul purpose life coaching program. It has truly been the most authentic, empowering, and awakening experience. To find a life coach that can work with you from the level of your soul self is priceless beyond measure. Cynthia’s unique gifts allow her to directly work with you at the level of your higher self, and to assist you in learning tools that are innate to your soul’s essence so that you may also work from the level of your higher self. The results are truly profound. Your own awareness and consciousness expand; you experience more peace, clarity, and healing; and you begin to see your inner and outer worlds transform to align with the highest expression of your soul self. In working with Cynthia, you will find that she is truly a gifted spiritual teacher and just a delight to work with. While you may begin working with her as a life coach, you will soon find her becoming your life-long coach.” -SS-NYC
Predicted auto problem and was spot-on!!!! Great!! Esther, NC
Wow! First time caller and I was very impressed of all the exact details without giving any info.very accurate it’s like she knew my situation all this time.I can’t wait for her predictions to come true-She gave me great advice too. I will definitely call her back again for any updates. She is a must call!!! Thank you so much,God Bless You.Good luck and More Power. Maria, TX
I would reccomend Cynthia 2000%, yes I would. I already have to all of my siblings & alot of my family & close friends! I plan to bring each one or most of My loved ones for a reading here sometime now that I am 100% sure Cynthia is the real deal!! She has the ability to change your life in a beautiful, healthy, & happy way, just by the words she uses! She is so spot on that I cried when I recieved my email reading, Also, her prices are great! She gave me some great tips & more than anything else she gave me… HOPE! Thanks, I cant express how thankful I am to you.. Your really a blessing.!
KK-VTAgain Cynthia has delivered a fantastic reading with spiritual insights that amaze me. I would highly recommend her. You won’t be disappointed. Faith
Thank you Cynthia for my reading yesterday. I have already been practicing the tools you showed me. I like stopping the “mind tapes” by saying, “whoa, what am I feeling? Is this new or old?” I was surprised that much of it is very old stuff. I was even able to do it when I woke midway through the night. I was able to sleep like a baby when otherwise I would be up for a few hours worrying. It was wonderful to meet you. You have a lovely energy. I look forward to listening to your goddess talk radio. Stephanie, NY
Working closely with Cynthia over the past five years has resulted in a tremendous level of clarity and self-realization in my life. She is adept at utilizing a wide range of psychic tools in each of her sessions, and accompanies them with a calm and nurturing approach. The result is a highly accurate and valuable reading. I always feel empowered after an energy check or session with her, and I am usually astonished by how quickly she is able to identify areas in my life that could use more attention. She possesses a warm and open personality, which makes energy work with her enjoyable and uplifting. She is sensitive to cultural differences and provides insights non-judgmentally, characteristics that are a reflection of her sincerity to empowering others through constructive psychic energy work. – Robin, CA
Thank you so much Cynthia for holding the space for me to let go and come more into my glory, myself. It is slowly sinking in, that I am not alone, that the Supreme Being is there for me every step of the way. It is a very foreign concept from how I have been doing it and living. So many blessings and appreciation being sent your way! – Diane, CO
Cynthia, Thank You!! Your perceptions are very on-target. I have been aware for a long time that I seemed to have forgotten how to have fun, But when you used the word “play” it really resonated with me. I think I just need to play more, and maybe I’ll remember how to have fun again, and restore myself. Thanks very much! Steve
I got a few Psychic readings from Cynthia Warwick Seiler. It was the most healing session I have ever experienced. It was fun, I got to know myself better and what motivates me. I now feel hope and confidence that I will soon live life to it’s highest potential and start having FUN again!!!! Thanks Cyndi!!!
-Lisa, NY
Balanced Warrior Student: Thank you so much for a great class!!! I feel like a new person this morning! Thank you thank you!!!!
Tools for Feminine Empowerment Student: “I have been getting psychic readings with Cyndi a while now. Amazing!! life transforming! I would recommend her to everyone. I feel that the 4 week class made my life and relationships so much better! I received tools for releasing negativity and ones to fill my heart with joy and abundance.I learned to be more of who I truly am and let go of masks. I learned about the beautiful spiritual world, apart from a specific religion. Most important- I got to meet new amazing women and share a great experience! So much fun! Thank you Cyndi!!!”
Goddess Talks Radio Fan: “Beautiful and healing show!”
Feminine Spirit Student: Cyndi and Elaine, thanks so much for the tools for feminine empowerment class! It really taught me to be more playful and less serious in my life. I feel more confident that my soul can get genuine freedom of choice!! Life doesn’t get more heavenly than that!! So much fun thank you!!!!!!!!-Lisa, Isreal
Goddess Talks Radio Fan: Hello Goddesses! I have been going back through the archives & did the Arch Angel Mary heart-light exercise & someone just sent a message saying that they could feel my heart glowing. Awesome, thank you for holding such beautiful space!
This divine healing space you have created is so powerful, yet loving & gentle. I am filled with Gratitude for your commitment to bring this out to the world! D-FlA
Goddess Healing Circle Member: “the goddess healing circle meditation was amazing!”
Your reading (of me) last week, or was that two weeks ago!!! I am still flying from my visit to VT, and particularly from your reading of my aura. Do you have any idea of the power you released on that day? I usually have nothing but bad dreams at night. Struggle, no one supporting me, difficulties etc… Until last night I was having only empowering dreams…where I was in control of all the outcomes of my dreams. It was so different. Plus I felt validated, even though it didn’t seem like you said alot…I had so many awareness’s that came about because of the reading. I have been trying hard to put my spirit before the other-imposed self-image I am use to carrying around with me. But alas my strength is weakening. I know I need to meditate, but I am having a hard time doing that, and although you said I am right on target with my work, it doesn’t seem that way now. I guess I just need to have faith. Really, I just wrote to say thank you, and hope perhaps we can work together again soon. (I need that vision!!!!) THANK YOU, CYNTHIA!!!!…C
A letter from a missing pet owner
Hello Cynthia, I wanted to let you know that after we spoke on skype the other day it renewed my hope and I made posters and my husband posted them around our street. Today we came home and the boy across the street said that Joe was on the porch and he tried to let him in the house but he ran. We were so excited. We called for him and he came running! He was very hungry and thirsty, and he smelled musty, like an attic! He doesn’t want to stay in the house so he’s been in and out numerous times and he keeps crying loudly, I figure he’s just letting us know he’s happy to be home. You had said something about 6 weeks, I started thinking, we are moving then back to TN, maybe he was telling you this… Thank you so much for your help, we are overjoyed and relieved to have him home. I will be in touch for a longer reading very soon. Charlene, VermontCyndi Warwick Seiler gave an enlightening workshop on Sacred Geometry on Saturday Nov 12.
She talked about emotions and the different frequencies of energy they hold and how they can raise or lower your overall energy levels.
Cynthia showed how keeping your vibration high can prevent illness.
She also brought some cool geometric shapes to explain the process of creative ideas and the life cycle of a desire.
Cynthia explained Metatron’s cube in a way that even the mathematically challenged could understand.
She also led the group through some meditations that everyone felt a positive change after participating in.
Cynthia stressed the importance of each persons own validation of themselves and their beliefs to be the key to optimum health.She has amazing teaching skills and obviously knows her stuff! We look forward to having Cynthia teach us more: CC Chapter: American Society of Dowsers: Vermont: -MBG”Thanks so much for the reading on the 18th! I apologize for not writing sooner. I was very impressed with the findings and my husband and I had some things to talk about when we went home that evening.
I hope to work with you again in the near future. Thanks again!-JB, Vermont
Loved the 1 email question.. I cant believe the things you knew that I hadnt told you in my brief description & question.. You gave me so much to think about & so much hope. Thank you.. U have an amazing gift.-KK, Vermont
Soul Purpose Development Students:
“Thank you for the great classes, I am having fun with them, how wonderful! These tools and meditations are amazing. After class 6, I was over come with so much joy, it was a little over whelming, I’m still coming down from it. “
“When I entered Module 1 I was well into some major life transitions–starting the process of divorce, leaving my business of 6 years, looking for a new job–big, stress-ful stuff, especially with two kids. The first thing I want to say is I think the tools have played a big role in helping to keep me from getting dragged down into the trenches of stress. One of my favorite tools for that is the sticky rose. When issues flair in the divorce I can use the sticky rose to help reset me to my own frequency, cleaning out those negative thoughts that inevitably creep in. S.M.- Vermont
“Before I started Module One with Cynthia, I was go-ing through a mini-crisis. I just moved back to Vermont with my husband, was trying to start a company, and just felt like my world was turned upside down. I placed my-self in survival mode as “my plan in life” wasn’t working out as I thought. I was wondering all the time why I was feeling anger or sad, I was putting too much pressure on myself to accomplish things, my relationships with people were not as connected or stable as I wanted them to be, and I was not thinking clearly on decisions I was making.
As I took the journey through module one, it really opened my eyes and heart to what was around me. Life is what you want it to be and you have to truly be-lieve that. I learned the tools needed to slow down!, stop being so serious, laugh and be happy, ground my thoughts and energy, release energy that wasn’t mine, build my Aura, connect to my higher self, connect to mother earth, protect myself from other people’s energy/thoughts, and manifest.
It was crazy how things quickly changed – I thought clearly on all my decisions and I had confidence in the decisions I were making. The questions I was going crazy over trying to find the answers came more easy to me and I was took paths I normally wouldn’t. The most important thing I re-learn was to love myself and just be happy…life is what you want it to be.” K.A.- VT
“Module One is a The tools we learn are them almost everyday. ally stronger and more truth. The setting is nice Cynthia encourages playful attitude. It is no pressure. So happy learned and certainly back for module two!”
“I liked your class so much- it was such an important teaching, I always want to remember it- So I got a tattoo of one of your drawings ….It is of myself aligned with my soul star” LH