Email Address: *
City, State, or Current Location: *
My greater interest, or experience about intuition is: *
Are you interested in mastering your intuition and learning energy medicine practices? * Please choose one of the following: Yes, Absolutely I want to master my own psychic awareness! No, I just want the quiz Maybe, I am uncertain at this time I would like to know of upcoming classes
If you would like to elaborate, we welcome hearing your story:
When you meet someone new: Please choose your strongest of the following: I sense what they are about before hand I feel a connection or disconnection but can't explain it I pick up on familiarity of that person I know if I can trust them or not and why I think they are a nice person and have no expectation
When you are in a crowded environment: Please choose your strongest of the following: I feel buzzy and find it hard to set boundaries I enjoy yourself but feel confined I feel expressive and don't mind its crowded I feel unity to the crowd and enjoy the event I pick up on the emotion of the crowd
When you are in an eerie or strange place: Please choose your strongest of the following: I scoping out the room with my awareness I notice that my skin feels different than normal I notice my "feelers" are turned way up I take mental note of the complete environment I feel calm and my boundaries are strong I feel uneasy and my body is reactionary I see things that are paranormal but am calm I see things that are paranormal but am in fear I have no known reaction at all and do not notice a thing
When I read a book or watch a movie: Please choose your strongest of the following: I know what is to happen to the characters before hand I feel the characters as if they are in the room with me I can predict the conclusion midstream My emotions rise and I feel empathetic I feel the emotion of the characters I feel the vibration and sentiment of the plot I know the ending before it happens
When faced with a phenomenon that goes beyond logic: Please choose your strongest of the following: I am fascinated and pursue knowing its deeper meaning I sense I know and can explain or describe W.W.W.W.H.W. The phenomenon a non-mystery to me I discount the phenomenon as strange and let it go I know it in a surreal way I believe everything can be explained I feel it in a surreal way I simply label it weird and dismiss it
When I feel a strong urge, impulse or prompt: Please choose your strongest of the following: I act on it and know it always leads to validating experiences of importance I can't yet act on it but know it always leads to importance for myself and others I acted on it and find that it took me nowhere fast I know it is communication from higher wisdom I do not attribute these impressions to anything I feel the experience does not apply to me I resist acting on it but feel that it was true for me to act upon
I feel the world I live in is: Please choose your strongest of the following: My playground and I look to explore it as much as I can An unsafe place and I need to be aware and careful of my surroundings all the time A place where I grow and now connect in oneness and feel the connection to all A place I love but have yet to find my purpose Of my own choosing A place I feel overwhelmed energetically and would like to use spiritual tools for boundaries
To me the term psychic means: Please choose your strongest of the following: Supernatural abilities The ability to predict the past, present and future The ability to see orbs and ghosts Conscious spiritual awareness in a healthy way Awakened and strong chakras Something everyone can develop The ability to communicate with guides, angels, masters Aligned with higher self A way to do things such as win lotto Something of a myth that is not fully real A way to serve truth and earth My true self unfolding in authenticity Choice 14 Choice 15 Choice 16
When in an environment such as a notable "Haunted house" Please choose your strongest of the following: I sense the energy of the environment or presence in some way My arm hair stands on end and I know I discount it as nothing but fear and make believe I feel the phenomenon and am compelled to investigate it I do not sense anything and consider it not real or a hoax I see the spirits and can communicate with them without fear I know spirits are present but can not see them I feel spirits are present energetically
I have experienced reoccurring phenomenons that I can not explain Please choose your strongest of the following: I seem to have a "sixth sense" that sometimes allows me to know what is going to happen. I have dreams that seem very real and wake up moved, shaken, or taken by the experience. I have had several occasions where I knew what someone was going to say, think or do I have had experiences where I knew something was going to happen and it came true I know when someone is thinking about me and is going to contact me I think of people in my life and they appear shortly after I see energy in peoples aura I feel energy I know energy I see energy
I have found my self doing this when I am approaching a problem Please choose your strongest of the following: I get stuck in the emotion of it all I can envision and use my minds eye I look at the future and find myself loosing clarity and gaining confusion when I am concentrating on the problem I drift and lose awareness of the passage of time. I hold good space
Regarding the concept "spiritual awakening": Please choose your strongest of the following: To experience and search for my own inner deeper meaning I believe spiritual awakening has nothing to do with being psychic Enlightenment I believe I have a spirit and a soul and want to live the way I am directed by my higher self To live consciously and fully I believe spiritual awakening is alignment with a higher power I am not sure what the concept means to me I am fully aware of myself and my conscious choices and experiences This question does not apply to me
I define "Karma" as: Please choose your strongest of the following: A punishment for past life actions A way to learn from my thoughts, emotions, words, actions and reactions Commingling of energy with another Something that is meant to resolve A way to address my actions and may be negative A way to measure or quantify spiritual growth Something I am obligated to resolve A self reflection space Beyond my capability to understand A way to grow consciously
The concept "Sacred Healing Path" means: Please choose your strongest of the following: Something that validates my being Something for me to cultivate for myself and others A myth that is impossible as the world is too violent Not something beyond my comprehension Something way beyond my comprehension A dream I would like to see come true Something that we have to learn how to build as humans What I can create by developing my light body Something that only God can put in place Not a human choice or creation
The concept of "Spiritual Healing" & or "Energy Medicine" Please choose your strongest of the following: Is something I would like to learn or master I could relate to and have strong affinity with I find fascinating and I know is well within my capacity Will benefit me and the sustainable earth Is not something I am familiar with I have no affinity for this topic